The products available for purchase on our web site are downloadable, functional, and try-before-you-buy. We provide free trial periods to let you fully evaluate our products before you make a purchase decision. We strongly recommend that all customers download, install, and test the trial version of any product prior to making a purchase.
All payments collected over through this channel are received towards the Purchase or, Upgrade or, Renewal
of License Key(s) of the Magic Identity software.
By making the payment, the client entitles to use the Magic Identity software in their computer(s),
limited to the number of license(s) he / she has purchased.
The license(s) issued by us are non-transferable and can be registered in the Magic Identity software
with the user's first registered details / credentials only.
Each person registering himself / herself through this media link understands that
the payment he / she is making here is non-refundable.
If we receive a chargeback or payment dispute from a credit card company or bank, your service(s) and/or license(s) will be suspended without notice. A chargeback fee (issued to recover fees passed on to us by the credit company), plus any outstanding balances accrued as a result of the chargeback(s) must be paid in full before license service(s) is/are restored, or any further work is done. Instead of issuing a chargeback, contact us to address any billing issues. Requesting a chargeback or opening a dispute for a valid charge from us is fraud, and is never an appropriate or legal means of obtaining a refund. Please read and make sure you fully understand our refund policy prior to making a payment.
We provide free automatic software updates for a period of 1 Year from the date of activation / renewal of the Magic Identity software. During this period, if there are any changes in the input PDF file(s) from the file issuer / source, we immediately take action on it and send your work in progress. Therefore, if you take your steps back after confirmation, so, the amount you have already paid is non-refundable. We interact with our clients and do our best to solve all their queries and start work after submission of non-functioning input file(s) in the Magic Identity software, therefore, there is no provision for any kind of refund. We clearly mentioned that the paid amount is non-refundable in any circumstance.
Please read and make sure you fully understand our refund and cancellation policy prior to making a payment. Should you have other questions about our policies, feel free to contact us.